5 Reasons to Mulch Your Trees

Mulch isn't just for flower beds, it can also benefit your landscape trees. Wood chip mulch and pine straw are the types most often used for mulching around trees. 1. Save Water Moisture evaporates out of the soil around your trees, which can lead to drought stress in dry periods and increase irrigation needs. Mulch provides an insulating layer that reduces evaporative moisture loss from the soil. The result is less water usage and healthier trees that can better withstand dry periods. [Read More]

5 Ways To Beautifully Integrate Edible Gardens Into Your Landscape

Do you want a backyard garden but aren't sure how to integrate it into your landscape? You're not alone. Many homeowners want the pleasure and safety of growing their own food but they don't want to ā€” or can't ā€” sacrifice the beautiful appearance of a well-maintained landscape. What can you do? Here are five tricks to try.  1. Integrate Plants Into Flower Beds Many types of herbs and vegetables are lush and attractive when placed within other settings. [Read More]

Lovely Little Landscape: Design Tips That Make A Big Difference In Small Yards

Spacious landscapes often pop up on the cover of outdoor magazines and leave those with smaller yards longing for more space. However, having a smaller area to work with does not mean you have to sacrifice aesthetic value or give up your dreams. With the right design tips in place, you can create a small outdoor space that is just as lovely as those spacious ones in magazines. Know your priorities [Read More]

5 Ways To Incorporate Good Water Design In Your Landscape

Have you considered the valuable role that water plays in your landscape design? With an emphasis on greenery and hardscape, many yard owners don't always consider the benefit of strategic water design as well. How could water boost your landscape? And how should you incorporate it into your designs? Here are a few key ideas. 1. Irrigation Patterns. First and foremost, it's important to consider water in terms of the irrigation needs of your yard. [Read More]