Learn 6 Great Things About Pine Bark Mulch

Mulch can be beneficial to your landscaping for many reasons. When the right mulch is used, it can help to give the soil what it needs to be as healthy as possible. One type of mulch that's known for having many great properties is pine bark mulch. Here are 6 great things about pine bark you should know:  1: Pine mulch comes in many types One of the great things about pine bark is it gives you plenty of choices regarding the style of mulch you use. [Read More]

Tree Trimming 101 | Everything You Need To Know About Pruning Fruit Trees

Freshly picked fruit tastes infinitely better than store-bought, which is why many homeowners take the time to grow their own fruit trees. However, while growing and caring for fruit trees isn't difficult, it does require some maintenance—namely, trimming. Trimming your fruit trees is important to keep them healthy and productive. Removing dead or diseased branches encourages new growth and ensures that your tree stays strong and vigorous. Here's what you need to know about trimming fruit trees, including when to trim, what tools to use, and how to trim correctly. [Read More]

Managing The Drainage Needs Of Your Landscaping

Drainage problems can be one of the more common sources of substantial landscaping problems for homeowners. Luckily, there are drainage service providers that will be able to assist homeowners with installing a variety of upgrades and enhancements to provide for more effective control and management of the property's runoff.  Directing Runoff With Ditches And Gutters The use of ditches and gutter systems can be some of the more basic drainage improvements that you can make to your property. [Read More]

Caring For Your Newly Installed Sod

In addition to being a visually important component, the lawn is also an important part of your landscaping that will prevent a variety of problems from developing. Sod installation projects can be one of the fastest options for improving the appearance and overall condition of your property's lawn. Sod Can Provide Important Benefits Over Planting Grass From Seed  Individuals may not realize that sod can offer some important benefits over planting grass from seed. [Read More]